Cooperative Profile

XML Employees Multi-purpose Cooperative (XEMCO) is a business designed for employees of Innodata XML Content Factory Inc., founded in 2002.   The organization initially focused on savings, to start-up capital fund, but after some time, the Board decided to go on Lending, to promote business to its associates. The organization did not stop from there, and now, XEMCO is into various business ventures, from lending, to selling general merchandise, canteen operation, concession, and catering.

XEMCO is dedicated in helping its members, in any way feasible, from providing means to save, to providing livelihood. Everything XEMCO does, is for the benefit of its members.


To establish a commanding presence and market leadership as a multi-purpose cooperative that is managed by God-Trusting and responsible members who aim to provide practical, relevant and quality services and businesses in major parts of Cebu, progressively in the next 5 years.


To become an instrument for the improvement of the socio-economic status of members by providing effective and appropriate programs and services which involves active development in the community.


  • To establish strong Market presence in Cebu
  • To earn good financial returns for its owners
  • To delight the customers with high quality products and services
  • To make the cooperative a Happy and Rewarding Institution